Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wombat University of California

Continued as promised...


After about a week of getting this Culture Afficionado Magazine, Issue #2 off the ground, I'm finally ready to post a bunch of prototype artwork. Get ready for a sneak preview of the world's most prestigious non-subscription magazine!



I was inspired to let the art flow through me and not to put as much emphasis on how exactly the piece looks.
Do not ask what it took to make me create this, instead ask in what state of mind was I in (during midterms; Stressed, with my girlfriend; content, at a friend or relative's house; inventive). I chose to improvise and generate random vectors and gradients until I came up with something I enjoy looking at.


One by one I used a lasso tool and gradient tool to depict large spiky vectors surrounding the colorful background I started with. I was going for a very Modern approach and I feel like I accomplished the shock-inducing look of many modern art pieces in today's galleries and art dealers.


Why did I choose so many pastels, yet place that shiny lightning next to all of the intense colored vectors? Because I can, in addition to wanting to know what it looks like. In every art creation I make I experiment, through trial and error and eventually settle on something I am satisfied with. In this case I wanted to view a multiple layered version of a 2D painting done by Pablo Picasso or Jackson Pollock, deriving from its minimal appearance but also maintaining that unique Modern Art integrity.


I was looking online at some used cars for a friend when I got this outrageous idea to Photoshop some burnt-down and broken, smashed and/or wrecked cars. I tested the look of many different samples until I came across this specific car, played with the levels and colors a bit and tagged my name to it underneath, along with some gritty looking bits of debris and shrapnel.


Cutting things out in Photoshop used to be a pain in the ass, until I learned how to stop using the lasso and magnetic lasso and graduate to quick masks and selections via channels. This made things way easier to extract out of photos, drawings and magazine scans. The car I cut using the quick mask tool and I colored it blue and yellow with bits of red to match the name "Abstract Thought" below.


The car throws kind of a curious, "I want to know more" element to this piece. I feel like when I first placed the car on top of my alias I wanted it to look clean and painted like a new car, but I've done that so many times it has become rather monotonous and mundane. Follow the laws of physics and make everything look as convincing and real as possible? How boring! That is the main reason as to why the grimey, rusty looking paint on the car is almost absorbed by the debris floating under the text.


Tell me what I was thinking when I made this last piece by posting a comment of your choice below!

Was it after eating fast food at a certain hamburger food chain?

Was it after paying $17 dollars for a ticket to see a movie in 3D?

Was it after a trip to Las Vegas?


Russell Xavier
Graphic Designer/Artist
Part-time Chef
Member of Standard Deviants

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